. Battery Pack 900 meters 3500 meters 6000 meters Deployment Battery Pack Battery Packs extend the deployment time of icListen hydrophones. Easy to handle and carry, the Battery Pack can connect and supply multiple hydrophones with power and synchronization. Talk to a sales rep Compatible Product Lucy II Hydrophone Guards Launch Box Subsea Tripod Subsea Power Bank Ocean Sonics Buoy Smart Nodes Inline Hydrophone Frame Battery Pack Float Collar Extension Cables Ethernet Repeater icListen AF icTalk icListen HF Product Documents Brochure Download Mechanical drawings Download User guide Download Battery Pack Applications Real Time Situational Awareness Accoustic Ranges SAR-Pinger Localizations Marine Protected Areas Observatories Earthquake & Tsunamis Scientific Research & Discovery Pile Driving Pipeline Leak Detection Subsea Asset Inspection Dredging Environmental Impact Assessment Marine Mammal Monitoring Impact Noise Monitoring Machine Health Monitoring Construction Monitoring Underwater Radiated Noise Measurement