Our Ocean Sonics team is one that is filled with talented people who are experts in their field. We regularly hold sessions at our office where one of our team members will share their expertise with the rest of our crew. When most of the world, and not just Ocean Sonics, began to work from home, We decided to take our learning sessions online to share with everyone.
If you want to catch up on any of the topics we have presented, check out the video links below. We generally host our sessions on Thursdays at 2pm ADT, however because we are hosting a number of experts on our web series, we are flexible with the dates and times so make sure you check out our social media feeds to stay up to date. Join us live through Facebook or YouTube.
Emma Carline, Ocean Sonics: Waterfall Displays and FFTs
Jillian Duggan, Ocean Sonics: Ocean Observatories
Ashley Noseworthy, Edgewise Environmental: PAM and Mitigation Techniques
Donald Killorn, Eastern Charlotte Waterways: Noise Monitoring in the Outer Bay of Fundy
Jillian Duggan, Ocean Sonics: Mitigation Methodology
Ryan Flagg, Ocean Networks Canada: Community Based Acoustic Monitoring
Jillian Duggan, Emma Carline: Measuring Underwater Sound Levels (SEL/SPL)
Dan Hassleman, Fundy FORCE: Advancing Passive Acoustic Monitoring for Harbour Porpoise in the Minas Passage